Tuesday, July 26, 2016

Life Is Short, Be Happy!!!

I barely get sick. God gives me a very healthy body, no missing part, great immune system and quick cover.
However, when I was young, I did not take care of my health well enough. I admit that I hate drinking water. Plus, my body sometimes get wet a lot. I guess all water I drink will be sweating through underarms, palms, and back. Thus, my body extremely lacks of water. However, I did not pay attention to that as long as I less use the restroom! My parents sometimes asked my why I did not drink water, I simply said I do not like it. I guessed I had a "hard head", so my dad and mom never give any comment after that.
At 25, I got a kidney issue due to lack consuming of water. It made me really sick. At first, my back was hurt that I could not sit or stand. Later, I could not eat anything. The pain lasted forever that I had to get into the hospital. After the ultrasound and x-ray, the doctor informed me about the  issue. There was a big stone on my kidney that I had to have an urgent operation. Before the surgery, it was the worst time I ever had in my life. I suffered the pain all day and night that I could not sleep, sit, stand or do anything else. Even lying in the bed still made me really hurt. The pain likes a drum that beating in my belly nonstop. I could not either eat or drink anything, and threw up a lot. Thus, I lost weight. When I looked at myself in a mirror, I could not even recognize me. At that time, I wanted to die because it was so painful. It caused me breathless sometimes. When my parents came to visit me, they did not feel sorry for me. The only thing they told me that I am responsible for my choice (not drinking enough water). That was the first time I feel regret. When I looked through the windows and saw many people walking on the street, I wish that I could never be in this situation. My feeling was even worse when I contacted with sick patients in my hospital room, approximately 10. Next to me was an elder lady, and a middle-age man. The worst thing was I am the youngest patient who gets kidney problem. Most of the case is around 40 to 60. It knocked me down. I lied down on the bed all day, and thought negatively. I feel unless that I could not do anything. I was only 25!!!
However, during the darkest time, my friends and family were always be my side. They convinced me to overcome bad thinkings, and prayed for me. I started reading Bible again. I also spent time to read books and watch videos. It showed me there are many people get in the worse situation than me, such as war victims, hunger, rare disease patients, etc. They suffer the pain day-by-day, year-to-year. Also, there are thousands endure loneliness, discrimination, illness and other issues. I only suffered the pain for 20 days in comparing to them.  
After the surgery, I stayed in the hospital for a few days. I promise to God that I will be better. For me, life is precious that I do not want to spend my whole life in the hospital bed. I would rather to live in the outside life than sticking into strong medical smell environment. Through the sickness, I more value my health, family, friends and my entire of life. I recognize being alive is the most precious thing. If you do not appreciate your life, no-one does. Once you die, nobody remembers you but your family will hurt the most. 
2nd Life Trick: Value your life.

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