Tuesday, July 26, 2016

It A Must - Read This Before You Move On

Dear Readers,
When I was young, I knew that I was not a "lucky" person. I had to face with many challenges in my childhood life as my parents separated. My mom had to work very hard to earn money so that I could go to school. My grandparents helps mom to raise me. However, they did not have much money, thus I did not have toys, good foods, or supplies for school. I still remembered that I used to ask my neighbors to reuse her books. I wore old clothes that someone gave to my grandparents. Most of the time, my neighbors had to share toys with me.
At a very young age, I was responsible doing house chores so that my mom and my parents could go to work. Sometimes my mom brought works to home (she worked in a shoe factory), and everybody in the family gathered together to help her.
Growing up in the missing family was also a difficult time for me as I always wondered about my dad. I did ask my mom many times why dad leave us, and why the others have enough parents, but I am not.
I came to church, and I prayed a lot. I wished one time God could hear my praying.
Now, when I look back, I recognize that everything happens for a reason. And God is always be my side. If I was not born in a missing family, I might not appreciate what I have now. If I did not have a hard time in the past, I might not have strength to overcome difficulties. If I did not live in a poor country, I might not understand how many struggles local people have to deal with.
In my blog, I will share my experience in the past as well as current time. As I learn from mistakes and overcome struggles, it works out for me but I am not 100% sure that apply same results for you. Thus, before you try anything, please consider whether it is suitable for you or not.
Please note that, the information and contents in this personal blogspot is from author's viewpoint and experience, I will not take any responsibility for any lose, damage, hurt or wrong direction.

Life trick No. 1: BE A SMART READER!!!

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